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Stichting DIVA Foundation


DIVA-5 is a semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Adult ADHD, third edition.

In 2007, the DIVA was developed in Dutch by psychiatrist J.J.S. Kooij, MD, PhD, and her team. Since October 2010, a slightly adjusted version in Dutch and English, with an improved introduction was made available (DIVA 2.0). The DIVA was developed because there was a need for a semi-structured diagnostic instrument in the field that is easily available at low cost, in many different languages, for research and clinical assessment purposes.

The DIVA-5 investigates the DSM-5 criteria of ADHD in childhood and adulthood, as well as impairment in five areas of functioning in both life periods. In order to facilitate understanding of the criteria in daily life in both childhood and adulthood, every DSM-5 criterion is accompanied by several examples that can be probed. The same is true for the five areas of impairment: education, work, social relationships, social activities/leisure time, partner/family relationships and self-esteem.

The threshold for patients to get proper assessment for ADHD in adulthood is still very high in most countries due to a lack of knowledge and experience of professionals, due to myths and stigma around a childhood disorder that is not outgrown, and due to a fear of treatment with stimulants. However, ADHD has been shown to be a frequent disorder in adults with a prevalence rate of 3-5%. Adult ADHD has a chronic course frequently leading to impairment, but it also be effectively treated.